Silver Medical Commander
Command and Control
- Start an incident log
- Take command of all medical assets at scene
- Make key medical command appointments;
- Bronze Medical Commander (BMC)
- Casualty Clearing Officer (CCO)
- CCS Medical Team Leader
- Primary Triage Officer (PTO)
- Casualty Loading Officer (CLO)
- Co-locate with Silver Commander
- Confirm Silver & Bronze cordon locations
- Take responsibility for the safety of all medical personnel and casualties at the scene
- Confirm hazards and necessary mitigations
- Liaise with Silver Commander for shared situational awareness - (JESIP)
- Send METHANE report to Gold command and update regularly
- Request regular ETHANE reports from BMC, CCO and CLO
- Confirm communication plan with BMC, CCO and CLO
- Assess the scene and establish key medical locations
- Assess developing hazards to medical staff and casualties
- Match casualty estimate with medical resources at scene
- Establish additional equipment / personnel requirements and ongoing life support needs.
- Confirm the triage system
- Provide triage teams for bronze area
- Delegate primary triage responsibility to Bronze medical commander
- Delegate secondary triage responsibility to Casualty Clearing Officer
- Ensure prioritisation for evacuation at point of injury and treatment at the CCS has been carried out.
- Confirm treatment at point of injury
- Confirm level of treatment at CCS
- Provide medical teams for the CCS
- Establish a transport plan with Gold command
- Coordinate evacuation of casualties to receiving hospitals with the CLO